July 2024
Dear Blessed One,
In the incredible landscape of human consciousness, there lies a magical tool known as the 3rd eye. Often symbolized by the Eye of Horus or the pineal
gland, this enigmatic entity is the gateway to higher states of awareness, intuition, and inner wisdom.
The 3rd eye (ajna chakra in Sanskrit) is in the center of the forehead, just above the space between the eyebrows. This mystical eye isn't bound by the
physical limitations of ordinary vision. Rather, it gives insight into the unseen realms, offering clarity that transcends the mundane and penetrates to
the essence of truth. Opening the 3rd eye is often described as a profound spiritual awakening, giving access to dimensions beyond our normal perception.
In 1998, about a week after my Reiki II class and attunement, I began experiencing headaches and a sensation of tightness around my head (like I was
wearing a band around the top of my head). My Reiki master suggested that my 3rd eye might be activating. One night shortly thereafter, I was jolted
awake by blinding lights strobing in my bedroom. When I opened my eyes, the lights stopped, leaving me baffled about their source. As soon as I closed
my eyes, the lights reappeared, strobing fast and bright! After opening and closing my eyes a few times, I decided to keep them closed and see what would
happen. Eventually, the lights faded, but I was left vibrating and sleepless for the rest of the night. Following this event, I noticed an increase in
precognitive experiences, heightened intuition, occasional communication from passed loved ones with my clients, and even saw an apparition.
Several factors contributed to the stimulation of my 3rd eye. I was vegetarian, giving Reiki sessions daily (working with energy can cause an activation),
regularly practicing OM and breath meditations, and spending a lot of time barefoot in nature. I had also given up TV, coffee and sugar. When the body is
clean, the energy system comes alive. A teacher once said to me that watching television is like spraying your 3rd eye with black paint.
Many traditions emphasize the importance of preparation in awakening the 3rd eye. Meditation is the most widely practiced method. By not listening to the
mind and focusing inward, one can begin to peel away the layers of distraction and illusion that obscure the inner vision. Focusing on the area of the
3rd eye, visualizing light, or chanting specific mantras like OM can assist the process.
Breathwork also plays a crucial role in opening the 3rd eye. Pranayama, which involves controlled breathing, helps to balance the energy centers in the
body and activate the pineal gland. By harmonizing the flow of prana, (life force energy) one can create the conditions necessary for the 3rd eye to open
As already mentioned, diet and lifestyle choices can also impact the functioning of the 3rd eye. A diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables, free from
toxins and artificial additives, supports overall health and enhances the body's energy flow. Regular exposure to sunlight (sungazing is a great practice!)
and spending time in nature can help clear the pineal gland of calcification, promoting its activation.
Opening the 3rd eye is unique to everyone. Some may experience vivid dreams, heightened intuition, or a sense of interconnectedness with the universe.
Others might encounter temporary discomforts (like I did), or emotional upheavals as their consciousness adjusts to new frequencies of awareness.
Despite any challenges, the rewards of opening the 3rd eye are huge. It fosters a profound sense of clarity and purpose, allowing individuals to see
beyond the superficial and recognize the underlying unity of all existence. With the 3rd eye open, we can access the inner wisdom that guides our true
path and connects us with the divine essence within. In a world filled with distractions and superficial pursuits, opening the 3rd eye offers a path to
deeper understanding and enlightenment.
It is the eye within the I - a sacred gateway to the infinite realms of consciousness and the boundless potential of the human spirit. As more of us
embark on this journey of awakening, the collective consciousness will inevitably rise, ushering in an era of greater harmony, insight, and spiritual
evolution. That's what our world needs, and you play an integral part in this great shift.
Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae
"What is behind your eyes holds more power than what is in front of them."
~ Gary Zukav