August 2024

I Applaud You!

Dear Blessed One,

Nearly 18 years ago, when I first moved to Ashland, Oregon, I often found myself entering expanded states of consciousness. I became one with the fog, resonating in an intense vibration of LOVE; I merged with the birds soaring overhead, enveloped in an overwhelming sense of LOVE; I connected with the deer on the trail, immersed in a profound experience of LOVE.

Unbeknownst to me, my body, mind, and spirit were vibrationally adjusting, preparing me for a deeper awakening. It was a time of profound transformation, and I had no idea that an evening at the theater would provide a pivotal moment of insight (I've shared this in the past but it bears repeating).

One evening, my partner and I attended a Shakespeare play. As I watched the actors perform, embodying their characters and delivering their lines with such conviction, I was struck by a sudden, profound and visceral realization. A veil was lifted for me, revealing a deeper truth: we were all actors in a grand play, each playing our parts in the larger drama of life.

The stage before me became a mirror reflecting the world. The actors moved through their scenes, fully immersed in their roles, and I saw the audience reacting to the performance with laughter, gasps, and applause. Yet, in that moment, I could see that we too were playing our parts in a play within a play. Our daily lives, with their routines and roles, were as much a performance as the one unfolding on stage. It was a felt experience.

The realization was so surreal and exhilarating! I scanned the faces around me, searching for a glimmer of recognition, but everyone else seemed blissfully unaware of this deeper layer of reality. They were absorbed in the performance, fully believing in the characters and the story, just as we all believe in the personas we present in our daily lives. It reminded me of the movie Inception, where layers of reality and pretense blur and intertwine.

Feeling a bit wobbly from the experience, I looked at my partner, wondering if he saw what I was seeing. However, he too was behind the veil, and it was a solitary revelation, one that highlighted the profound commitment we all have to our roles, both on stage and in life. We are so deeply invested in our personas that we often forget they are just that - roles we play.

The experience stayed with me, a reminder of the fluid nature of reality and the power of perception. Many people have asked me how I reached my current state of consciousness, and the answer is both simple and complex: by playing my part. There is no single formula for awakening, but there are practices that have supported MY journey...

Sungazing: I practice this daily (and there is a safe way to do it). I've been sungazing since 2007. I sense it was a potent piece in the 2008 kundalini awakening.

Reiki: Regularly giving and receiving Reiki (since 1998) has been a cornerstone of my healing and spiritual growth.

Deeksha: Engaging in giving and receiving deeksha has facilitated profound shifts in consciousness.

Vibration Practice: Standing in one place and shaking my whole body, head to toe, arms and legs, has a way of awakening the cells in my body.

Meditation: Daily meditation has been a sanctuary, a space to connect with the deeper currents of my being, often just sitting in silence.

Pranayama: Practicing breath control exercises has brought balance and harmony to my mind and body, while creating a powerful oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange... again, good for the cells. I often do this during meditation and / or vibration practice.

Vegan Diet: Nourishing my body with plant-based foods cleansed my physical body and has supported my physical and spiritual health.

Eye Gazing: Connecting deeply through eye contact with people for minutes at a time, especially with those who were vibrating at a higher frequency than I (sharing transmission).

These practices are not prescriptive but descriptive of my path. Each of us has our own unique journey, and what resonates for one person may not for another. The key is to listen to your heart and follow its guidance.

Trust the wisdom that flows through your being; you are a magnificent manifestation of the Divine. Embrace your role fully and know that you are playing your part perfectly in this grand play of life.

I applaud you!

Much Love and Blissings to You!
shellee rae


"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." ~ Shakespeare
