October 2024

We are Animals

Dear Blessed One,

I want to approach this gently, as I know many are experiencing the effects of nature's power right now.

You may have heard of animals sensing danger before it strikes - how they instinctively seek higher ground or safety. Whether it's birds flying to safer skies, bears climbing to the highest point in trees, or elephants trumpeting danger as they retreat prior to an incoming storm, these stories remind us of the deep wisdom embedded in nature.

We are animals, too - a part of nature. Our essence is bound to, and is inseparable from, the rhythms of the natural world. When our bodies and minds are clear from the distractions of processed foods, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and the constant noise of television and media, we can reconnect with our innate ability to sense what's coming. When we free ourselves from the toxins clouding our perception, our natural instincts awaken, and we can move through life with a greater sense of clarity and intuition.

I used to live in Danvers, MA and recall in 2002 visiting on my front porch with a friend. Suddenly, I felt an incredible wave of intensity coming our way. I jumped onto the grass in my bare feet and shouted, "We must leave now!" Tears were streaming down my face as my whole body was vibrating... I had no idea what was happening. He got me back on the porch and consoled me, saying nothing was wrong. Within 30 minutes, a tornado touched down half a mile from my home. Interestingly, the only reported damage came from a client who called me saying a tornado had just dropped a tree on his car and taken off a piece of his roof.

We don't always follow the guidance from our internal GPS. In September 2020, when the Almeda fire ravaged Talent and Phoenix, OR, I felt a strong urge to drop everything and head to the coast for a few days. But with many commitments on my calendar, I chose to honor them, ignoring the subtle nudge. The fire came within just over a mile of my home, and we were surrounded with no clear escape if the winds shifted. Though I'm here to share the story, at the time, I couldn't help but wonder if this would be my fiery end.

When we purge ourselves of harmful substances, our physical senses sharpen. Our ability to see, hear, taste, and smell improves. Foods taste richer, air smells fresher, and our vision becomes sharper, even our sense of touch heightens. This is a direct result of removing substances that dull our sensitivity.

The body, free from the weight of inflammation, begins to heal itself. Energy flows freely, our skin glows, and aches and pains reduce. When we are clear of toxins, our immune system is also more responsive, defending us from illness with greater efficiency. And the spiritual benefits of detoxification are profound. When we eliminate toxins from our bodies and minds, we become more in tune with the subtle energies of the Universe. Our intuition, that often-dormant inner guidance, awakens. Like animals sensing a storm on the horizon, we begin to perceive energies and vibrations that were once imperceptible.

Through meditation, prayer, or simply being present in nature, this heightened awareness opens the door to deeper spiritual experiences. We begin to feel an intimate connection with the earth, attuned to her whispers and energy, and more able to sense the unity with each other.

Start by paying attention to your body. Notice how it feels after consuming certain foods, watching television, or taking in media. Does your mind feel clear or foggy? Does your energy spike or plummet? These are your body's ways of communicating its needs. The more we listen, the more we sharpen our inner radar, tuning into what serves us and what doesn't.

As we move through October, consider gently releasing anything that no longer serves you, whether it's the foods you eat, the thoughts you think, or the habits that keep you in a state of low vibration. Your heightened senses are waiting to lead you to a life of deeper clarity, peace, and presence.

As many of you know, my journey to this level of awareness wasn't the result of perfectly clean living. At the time of the tornado incident, I had just over four years of sobriety, had been following a vegetarian diet for three years with mostly unprocessed foods, had given up TV, and was meditating regularly. Heightened sensitivity increased over time.

Extreme results require extreme actions. However, if you aren't ready to take such great leaps, the journey is still yours. Begin by gently chipping away at that which dims your light. Little by little, as you remove the distractions, the habits, the unhealthy foods that may be keeping you heavy, your own brilliance will begin to shine through.

I am here to support you.

Much Love and Blissings to You!
shellee rae


"The human animal originally came from out-of-doors. When spring begins to move in his bones, he just must get out again. Moreover, as civilization, cement pavements, office buildings, radios have overwhelmed us, the need for regeneration has increased, and the impulses are even stronger." ~ Herbert Hoover
