November 2024
Dear Blessed One,
Fear arises when we live in the mind. It is often planning for the future, clinging to the past, or attempting to fill silence with something, anything.
Fear cannot survive in the present moment. When we are here, completely here, fear can't be here.
I clearly remember the three words that left my lips when I awoke in 2008: "I am here." For the first time, the true "I" was fully present. Consciousness
turned inward and recognized itself in form. I began to laugh at the absurdity of what had animated this character for the past 48 years - it was as if an
artificial intelligence had been guiding this life all along! In that moment, the mind fell silent, fear dissolved, and the heart became the new operating
The mind resides in either memories or fantasies, in what was or what might be, or creates chatter/clutter to distract, or to feed the mind. In that space,
fear is born. When the mind is not getting its demands met, there is an underlying current of fear, fueling a self-perpetuating cycle.
But living in the heart is living in the present moment. The heart knows no fear because the heart knows no future. The heart simply is. Just here without
following the chaos of the mind. The heart does not move into tomorrow, it does not worry about what is to come. It trusts the unknown. And in that trust,
fear dissolves like mist under the morning sun.
The mind attempts to calculate, control, or to make sense of this vast experience of life. The heart flows like a river, always guided by an invisible force
that knows the way. When we move from the mind to the heart, we enter the space of trust, a space of surrender. And when we surrender, fear no longer has a
place in our reality. The heart always guides us exactly where we need to be. Following the heart is not about following emotions, desires, or ideas of love. It is about connecting with stillness, purity, and innocence.
Look at nature. The tree has no fear when its leaves fall in autumn. The river has no fear as it flows toward the ocean, not knowing what lies beyond.
Nature moves in perfect harmony because it does not resist, it does not fight life. Living in the heart, in deep trust, we allow life to take us wherever
it wishes.
The mind is rooted in ego, and ego is always afraid. It fears losing control, it fears being vulnerable, it fears surrender. The heart knows nothing of
the ego. It knows only oneness, connection, and love. When we live from the heart, the ego melts away, and with it, the fear of separation, the fear of
loss, and the fear of death. This is freedom.
From mind to heart is a journey of awareness. As we become more aware, more conscious, we find ourselves moving naturally into the heart. We begin to
feel life with a deeper intensity, and in that feeling, there is no room for fear, only gratitude for the gift of life.
No longer thinking you are separate from life, you now know that you are life itself. You are love itself. Take the journey home to the sanctuary of the
Much Love and Blissings to You!
shellee rae
"Awakening is not changing who you are but discarding who you are not."
~ Deepak Chopra