December 2024
Dear Blessed One,
In the work we do together, the journey towards awakening, healthier living, and self-love is as individual as it is universal. As the saying goes,
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." Our paths are filled with opportunities; ultimately, it's up to each of us to step forward,
drink from the well of wisdom, and embrace transformation. Thirst is key.
Awakening is a process of removing the layers that obscure our true nature. It's a process of becoming conscious of who we are beneath the surface,
shedding old patterns, and welcoming the beauty of clarity and presence. I occasionally see people hesitating, right on the cusp of self-discovery,
but the truth is that each person must decide to take that leap. Awakening cannot be rushed or forced; it's an invitation to be accepted.
If you're feeling the call to awaken more deeply, the journey to consciousness includes caring for the body, mind, and spirit. When we choose to eat
healthy, organic whole foods, we're choosing more than physical health; we're embracing clarity, vibrancy, and the kind of energy that supports our
personal and spiritual growth. Removing processed, chemically-altered, low-vibration foods grown with pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides helps
cleanse the body-temple, fostering greater receptivity to spirit.
Eating with intention is a powerful act of self-love and self-respect. Making lifestyle changes can feel uncomfortable due to the deep-rooted habits
we've formed around food, emotional ties to it, and beliefs that keep us stuck. As with awakening, it's a choice and only you can decide to nourish
yourself in ways that honor your body's wisdom.
If you are new to a healthier way of eating, start small. Replace one meal with carefully chosen ingredients that nourish the body/mind/spirit connection.
Remove one thing at a time and replace it with something vibrant and healthy. These small shifts are like steppingstones toward the greater transformation
your spirit is seeking.
In 1997, when I first got sober, I was in very poor health and diagnosed with several so-called incurable conditions: gouty arthritis (so severe I spent a
week in a wheelchair), degenerative disc disease, dysfunctional thyroid, clinical depression, and a bleeding ulcer. I was told I'd need pharmaceuticals for
the rest of my life to manage the first four. Instead, I made significant lifestyle changes and chose a path of natural healing with alternative methods.
I have fully recovered and have not taken any meds since 1998.
The turning point came when I sought help for depression and my doctor wanted to prescribe Zoloft. When I asked him to help me understand the root cause
of depression and how to heal it, he replied, "I'm not here to help you heal; I'm here to help manage the symptoms." That moment changed everything for
me - I walked out of his office and never looked back.
Loving oneself is an essential part of awakening. When food, water, breath, thoughts, exercise, and environment are in balance, homeostasis unfolds
naturally. Self-love isn't about quick fixes; it's about understanding and nurturing every part of who you are. It takes commitment, patience, and
compassion. Think of self-love as standing by your own side, leading yourself gently and tenderly to that water, encouraging yourself to drink.
We all carry inner wounds that can hinder our ability to fully love ourselves and make conscious, disciplined choices. With forgiveness, patience, and
the willingness to hold yourself as you would for a dear friend, or a child, you have the power to heal and transform patterns.
I am here to provide insight and guidance as you find your own way to the well. The choice to drink is yours alone. This is the beauty of conscious
living; it's about discovering your strength and power to transform from within. Remember that you are never alone, and every step you take toward
self-discovery, health, and self-love sends a ripple out into the world.
Together, let's continue to encourage each other to embrace each step of the journey to awakening, one conscious choice at a time.
Much Love and Blissings to You!
shellee rae
"Remember to drink water and get sun. You're basically a houseplant with complicated emotions."
~ Unknown