January 2025
Dear Blessed One,
We all have moments when we hide. Sometimes it's due to fear of rejection, judgment, or failure. Other times, it's because we've forgotten who we
truly are. We mask our divinity and our authentic self, hoping the world will accept the facade (we sometimes do this completely unconsciously).
But in doing so, we diminish the unique light we are here to share.
Today, I invite you to notice when you are hiding and to make another choice. I invite you to uncover the truth of who you are and to have the courage
to allow the world to see it.
For too many years and lifetimes, many of us have searched for God outside of ourselves... in temples, books, or the teachings of others. While these can
serve as guideposts, the ultimate truth is this - God resides within you. You're playing a game of hide and seek when actually you are a sacred vessel of
divine energy.
When you pause and turn inward, you experience the quiet, unchanging presence that is both you and beyond you. This presence holds vast wisdom (far
beyond the mind's machinations), unconditional love, and deep peace. It's where your authentic self dwells.
When we forget the truth of who and what we are, we take on beliefs that say we are not enough or that we must fit into society's molds to be loved and
valued. Over time, these beliefs form layers (like veils) that obscure our true selves.
Hiding disconnects us from ourselves, from each other, and from the divine. It's also an energy that others can feel, either giving them permission to
also hide or to turn away from us. To heal the world, we must first heal this disconnection. To heal this disconnection, we must unveil our authentic
The journey to authenticity begins with honest and courageous self-exploration. Here are a few practices that may help you...
- Spend time in meditation or silent contemplation each day. Ask yourself, "Who am I beneath the roles I play? What part of me have I been hiding?"
Be patient and rather than searching for the answers, wait for answers to arise.
- Self-criticism is one of the heaviest veils we carry. Practice offering yourself compassion. Remember that your imperfections are part of your
humanity and are catalysts for growth.
- Start small. Share your thoughts, feelings, and desires honestly with someone you trust. Speaking your truth, even in small ways, strengthens
your authentic voice.
- Reflect on what matters to you. Are you living in alignment with those values? If not, what small steps can you take to realign?
- Your intuition is a direct line to the divine within. Trust it, even if it leads you away from conventional paths or out of your comfort zone.
- Create a daily ritual to affirm and strengthen your connection with the divine. Whether through prayer, journaling, or a simple mantra like
"I am a divine manifestation of God," let this truth anchor you.
- When you unveil your authentic self, you invite others to do the same. Your courage becomes a source of great light, illuminating paths for
those still hiding. You don't have to be perfect; you just have to be real.
Remember, you have been placed here for a reason. Your unique essence is a magnificent gift to the world. Let it shine. Let it inspire. Let it heal.
Much Love and Blissings to You!
Shellee Rae
P.S. If this resonates with you, share it with someone who may appreciate a gentle nudge to step into their light. Together, let's co-create a world
of authenticity and divine connection.
"When there is nothing left to hide, there is nothing left to seek."
~ Ester Perel