February 2025
Dear Blessed One,
We live in a world where dimming our light seems like the easier choice. It can feel safer to lower our intensity, to blend into the shadows,
to avoid the discomfort of standing out. We may hesitate to shine fully for fear of overwhelming those around us. But what if our radiance is
exactly what's needed? What if our light is the catalyst for another's awakening? It is. And others can get it through osmosis.
Each of us carries a unique brightness, a glow that is meant to illuminate the path - not just for ourselves, but for those still fumbling in
the dark. Some will resist our light, some will question it, and some will turn away. That's okay. Shine anyway. The sun does not ask permission
to rise, neither should we. Our presence, our joy, our passion - these are not things to be rationed or dimmed to make others feel comfortable.
Blast your light everywhere you go! Let it melt frozen thought-forms as it touches those around you.
As we heal, cleanse, and awaken, shining more brightly is a natural outcome. The layers of conditioning, fear, and self-doubt begin to melt,
revealing the radiant essence that has always been within us. This brilliance is not something we create - it is something we uncover as the
layers of conditioning dissolve. And as we allow our light to shine without restriction, we not only liberate ourselves but also serve as a
guiding force for others on their journey.
It is remarkable to witness the natural, effortless transformation of those around me. Often without the need for words, guidance, or intervention -
simply through the power of presence and the quiet radiance that mirrors their innate beauty - something deep within them begins to awaken. It's as
if the light of awareness itself gently reveals what has always been there, allowing their authentic essence to shine forth.
Authenticity expands awareness because when we are fully ourselves - without pretense, resistance, or attachment to an identity - we dissolve the
filters that distort perception. When we live in alignment with our true nature, we no longer waste energy maintaining facades, suppressing emotions,
or contorting ourselves to fit someone else's expectations. This frees up awareness to be fully present, open, and responsive to life as it is.
Allowing our authentic nature to radiate removes the barriers between us and the vastness of existence. It reveals the seamless unity between self
and life, allowing awareness to flow freely and recognize itself in all things.
Yes, some may squint. Some may complain that the light is too much. Some may judge your brilliance. But there are others, perhaps silently waiting,
who need every bit of it. They need the warmth, the radiance, the example of someone who refuses to shrink. They need you, in your fullest expression.
So today, and every day, take up the role of the substitute sun. Rise and Shine. Step forward with boldness. Let your light be a beacon of possibility.
And if someone says it's too bright? Smile, hand them a pair of sunglasses, and shine on.
Much Love and Blissings to You!
Shellee Rae
P.S. If this resonates with you, share it with someone who may appreciate a gentle nudge to step into their light. Together, let's co-create a world
of authenticity and divine connection.
"Rise. As if the sun has taken the day off and hired you as its substitute, leaving behind its lesson
plan in a world full of students who can see no practical value in what you are teaching. Teach them anyway.
Today's lesson is the same as every day before it. Because the class has been struggling with this assignment,
shine. You must teach this by example. So hand out sunglasses. And do not dim yourself for the sake of their
comfort... Remember, some people require more light than others. So make extra."
~ Shane Koyczan