March 2025
Energies are Intensifying
Dear Blessed One,
It is possible to assess where you are in your awakening based on what you are experiencing in the present moment.
How is your heart feeling? Are you feeling empty - this is different from depression - leaving you wondering where love, gratitude, or joy have gone?
The inability to feel the heart emotions you are accustomed to feeling can be a result of the big work you have done or are currently doing.
For months now, I have been sitting, waiting, and wondering what is unfolding in my experience of love, gratitude, and joy. Though many express deep
appreciation for my presence, our work together, or the gifts I have shared, my heart has felt empty in receiving it.
Curiosity is a potent force - it invites answers from the universe in many forms. Some call it a download, others a sudden knowing or a new perspective
that effortlessly arises. For me, it feels like a deep knowingness within my psyche - that's the best way I can describe it.
What came through was the sense that I am in a chrysalis - that energies are intensifying, and my body simply needs time to integrate the shift, a
realization that was affirmed by another. It could very well be that you, too, are in a chrysalis, awaiting your next level of expansion.
Given the depth of our journeys - many shaped by trauma - this emptiness is unlikely to be a fleeting state but rather a catalyst for our evolution.
After years of intense spiritual work, the experience now of emptiness can be the natural outcome of the next level in our awakening. When the self
dissolves into presence, the conditioned ways of feeling and responding - including emotions like love and gratitude - may not arise in the same way.
What we once knew as heart-centered love may be evolving into something beyond personal emotions, something more vast and impersonal.
In most cases, transformation doesn't come as an explosion of bliss - it can be a dissolving into nothingness or chaos before the next emergence. If
your heart feels empty, perhaps it is being restructured to hold love and gratitude in a way you have never known before. Your sense of love may be
moving from personal and something felt to something simply known.
It could be that our hearts are no longer meant to feel love or gratitude in the way the mind expects. Cracking the facade of a feeling-emotion from the
limited human perspective can seem like something has gone wrong. The experience can actually be an invitation to let go of even the need for love and
gratitude to be felt.
As the sense of being the doer falls away and your sense of self continues to dissolve, even the 'I' that experiences gratitude may begin to vanish.
This can feel unsettling, yet it is profoundly aligned with awakening. I have experienced this myself, as layer upon layer of the programmed self
dissolved, especially following various energy initiations. Integration can feel awkward.
If the sense of emptiness is a chrysalis, you can't force the next emergence - you can only allow the process. You may already be in the expansion and
the mind doesn't yet recognize it.
Perhaps love and gratitude are here, just not in the way they once were. They may no longer be felt as emotions but as the silent, ever-present reality
of Being itself.
Breathe, rest, patience, time in nature, and surrender to the process. In its liquid state, a chrysalis has no concept of a butterfly. Likewise, allow
the false self to dissolve, and be amazed as the more expanded and beautiful you emerges.
Much Love and Blissings to You!
Shellee Rae
P.S. If this resonates with you, share it with someone who may appreciate a gentle nudge to step into their light. Together, let's co-create a world
of authenticity and divine connection.
"Like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again.
So remember, you do not have to be whole in order to shine."
~ Unknown