Watch your thoughts.
That’s all. Nothing to change. Nothing to do. Just
Notice what is running through your mind. Most people aren’t even
aware that anything is humming in that vast space above the shoulders.
Watch as a thought comes in and then watch as it dissolves naturally
just from noticing it.
Don’t hop on the train and go for a ride with the thought; that just
sucks you into a story. Notice the thought, and the next one, and
the next one…
Eventually the mind will become very still and stillness is where you
will find Yourself.
Thoughts are the veils to You. Free yourself from the veils that
thinking creates; let them fall away one by one as you notice them.
Much Love and Blessings to You,
Watch Your Thoughts
Everything I ever thought I could be, I have always eventually become.
When I thought I was smart, I was truly smart and when I thought I was
dumb, I was dumb.
When I thought I could do it, I found that I could. When I
thought I couldn't, I could not.
When I thought I wanted it, I worked 'til I got it and what I wanted, I
always got.
If I thought it impossible, it always was and no one could tell me it
Because what I knew always was true and what others think works for me,
The message here is to watch your thoughts, it's the first step to its
Think that you can, think that you can’t, and eventually your thoughts
you'll be seeing.
Shellee Rae © 1998

Deep listening from the heart is
one half of true communication. Speaking from the heart is the
other half.
~ Sara Paddison