June 2020

The Ultimate Awakening

Dear Blessed One,

I've been watching the bizarre world happenings with curiosity while feeling into all that is getting stirred within my own being. It has been quite revealing, difficult and exciting to see remnants of judgment, anger and resistance come up for awareness, integration and ultimately transcendence. I've experienced big waves of sadness while sitting with a sort of empty feeling of impotence. How might I better serve the world? What is my part in this drama? Where is the fairy-dust of awakening that can be crop-dusted over the world?

As I continue watching, I'm having a mild deja vu feeling as all these world symptoms remind me sooo much of the experience of awakening.

When I was going through the initial awakening in 2008 (especially the kundalini awakening), I went crazy. I experienced uncontrollable emotions, thoughts like a tornado in my head, flash thoughts of suicide, exhaustion with bursts of manic kind of energy, hopelessness, inappropriate blurt-outs, and the list goes on. While having no idea what was going on, all conditioning that was not serving me was being burned off and it was intense! It was like having the rug of life pulled out from under me and I didn't have a clue as to who I was or how to be myself without all the old props.

So now, I have this sense that humanity is in a scalding hot cauldron of awakening. The belief structures, programming and societal structures that do not serve humanity, mother earth and all her inhabitants are being burned off. In order for healing, integration and transcendence to occur, that which does not serve awakening needs to come to the surface for awareness (a big purge!).

As one awakens, your vibration literally increases. When vibration accelerates, lower density vibrations (old wounds, shadow material, rigid belief structures) can no longer hold on. The higher frequency spins the sludge to the top for release. Breathe into the frequential upgrade. The process is usually not pretty but the outcome is beautiful.

Humanity is somewhere between the dark night of the soul and the ultimate awakening. It can be messy, painful and confounding!

Tips to support the awakening process:
Keep life as SIMPLE as possible. If it's not an absolute "have to", leave it.
Spend as much time in nature as you can...even if it's sitting in a tiny patch of grass in your own yard.
Keep your diet super simple, limiting processed foods, alcohol, sugar and caffeine. Eat plenty of fresh veggies and fruit.
Allow the mind to be as crazy as it can be. Just notice when it begins its babble and take attention elsewhere...a flower, an emotion, breath, your bottom on the chair, anything other than listening to the mind.

In the place of stillness (not listening to the mind), you can be gently guided by a much wiser essence...the Creative Impulse of life itself. You Are That! From Wisdom comes responses rather than reactions, and responses may look fierce. A passionate response comes through love instead of righteousness, old wounds, or rigid beliefs.

It may be helpful to see a list of some of the symptoms of dark night of the soul and awakening:
Dark Night:
You feel isolated from everything
You feel abandoned by God
Your mood is almost always low and melancholic
You're lost and don't know which direction is right
You feel despair and horror when observing the world
You feel a sense of existential dread
You feel deep tiredness in your bones
You lack the motivation to keep doing what you used to
You've lost interest in most things
You keep pondering the deep questions of life
You feel like you don't belong on this planet
You feel as though your life is false
You crave for meaning and purpose
You begin asking deep questions
You realize that a lot of what you've been taught is a lie
You feel completely lost and alone
You see through the illusions of society
You see how unhappy most people are
You want to 'purge' your life
You begin experiencing deep empathy and compassion
You desire to be alone
Conversations seem shallow
You want to quit your job
You thirst for authenticity and truth
You become aware of old negative habits
You experience anxiety and/or depression
You become more sensitive
You want to make the world a better place
You deeply want to understand who you are
Your intuition is heightened
More synchronicity
You feel more wonder and curiosity
You start to love unconditionally
You see that we are all One

Love is calling us Home. Let's all go together. ♥

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


"Spiritual illumination enables us to relax our personal efforts and rely more and more on Divinity unfolding and revealing Itself as us." ~ Joel Goldsmith
