August 2020

Not Even Happiness

Dear Blessed One,

Grasping awakening is like trying to catch a tiny feather or a dust particle floating in the air. As you move quickly toward it in an attempt to grab it, your movement only drives it further away. The best method is stillness...gentle attention. Non-movement lets it come to you.

Osho once told a story about a king who had 'made it to the top' and still was not happy. The king had all the riches anyone could ever want -- many wives and servants, finest foods, silk garments, court jesters and more. The king thought that once he possessed all the things he ever longed for he would at last be happy. He wasn't.

However, the burn unhappiness created when he realized that the material things were not going to complete him caused him to finally surrender to the pain he was experiencing. He stopped attempting to fill the hole of unhappiness with material objects. The emptiness and unfulfilled longings devoured him like a wildfire and he arose from the ashes awakened. Consciousness in form. Nothing else needed to be complete, not even happiness.

What else is there that might be missing in the journey home? Most of us have been programmed to seek, to train, to practice methods and compile experiences until we are finally enough and worthy of awakening, happiness, or love. You are God-in-form. How could you be more worthy?

Water cannot wet itself. Fire cannot burn itself. Impersonal, Absolute, Great Spirit, God is One and cannot know itself without creation. You are That.

You are wildly magnificent and infinitely precious. Divine. Your particular presence is needed in this dream of creation. You are doing just exactly what you came to do! Worship the light within you as the holy of holies and bring that into your awareness as you move in the world, no matter what you are doing. Whatever is next will come to you in divine timing.

Breathe and rest. Keep turning inward and let the dramas of the world melt from the mind. Notice the dust you've collected in your field and shake it off with awareness, exposing more and more of your expanded nature. Bring attention to the heart and let that guide your movements. In stillness, silence, allow your higher essence to drift like a feather to the surface of your being. It's there, always, all ways.

Shifts come naturally as we rest and allow life to unfold and flow before us. People come into our lives as a pointer to something we've forgotten about ourselves, whether shadow or light, it is all good! Remember to hold and honor both as you move in the world, the human bliss and blunderings (getting lost in drama, pain, stories) and the beauty, the perfection and the divinity of life itself. It all has purpose.

Some clients are saying things like:
'came out of my body'
'seeing patterns and making new choices'
'cosmic experience as I let go of restrictions'
'recognizing the lightness of the present moment'
'experiencing joy as I realize there is nothing but this'
'perspective on past experiences shifted from anger to love'
'it was a dreamlike experience and I had an ear-to-ear smile'
'no longer swept away by the drama in front of me, actually curious or amused by it'

I am blessed and grateful to serve and support you.

Much Love and Blessings to You,
shellee rae


"Awakening into the luminous reality may dawn in the momentary throb between any two breaths.
The breath flows in and just before it turns to flow out, there is a flash of pure joy - life is renewed.
Awaken into that. " ~ The Radiance Sutras
