December 2020

No Pain No Gain

Dear Blessed One,

That could be the slogan for 2020. I saw a meme online that said, "I'm not staying up on New Year's Eve to greet the new year, I'm staying up to make sure that 2020 leaves!" I understand the enthusiasm in seeing 2020 make its exit. Many of the people I know have had some of their greatest challenges this year.

No matter where you are in the awakening journey, there is still pain. I have heard it said, 'pain is inevitable and suffering is optional'.

I have experienced some disappointments this year and have needed to make some difficult decisions. Recently, I moved through the pain of a huge disappointment as one may typically grieve. The first day I felt numb (in shock I suppose), day two brought big waves of sadness, day three anger arose and by day four, the majority of the trauma had passed. Sure, there were still remnants that bubbled up here and there, however, there was no fighting any of it. The mind didn't say, "I shouldn't be feeling this," or "I should be more evolved than this." I just allowed myself to be with the experience. That is the difference between pain and suffering. Suffering has a storyline that keeps feeding the pain, enabling pain to linger and grow.

Either we resist and create suffering, or we go deeper and expand.

Life challenges us to grow, to evolve. As they say, no pain, no gain. If life were cushy all the time, there would be no impetus to awaken. Once the experience of pain has subsided (or during the pain if you have the capacity to do so), there is an opportunity to explore what may still be lingering in darkness. Is there shadow material wanting attention? Has a blind-spot in your awareness just been exposed? Have signs been ignored in order to get what you want?

It may not be easy to look at shadow aspects or to admit to oneself that signs were disregarded. Life has a way of giving us many opportunities if we don't see or heed the first one/s.

Feeling what is present in the moment, not fighting with life, fully experiencing it, talking with someone, being heard, and energetically held can assist in the fast processing of pain. Most people are so distracted by the situations in life (personal and/or global) that they rarely experience the Space that holds it all. It's there waiting for you to surrender the mind and melt into the heart.

The world is here to challenge us. It forces us to go deeper to find the Formless and that is the world's purpose. As we allow all to be just as it is, watching as concepts, judgments, and conditioning dissolves, we begin to shed the illusory, mind-made selves and gain greater access to our higher and more awakened selves.

Much Love and Holiday Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace." ~ Aberjhani
