May 2021

Whispers from Within

Dear Blessed One,

I've said it so many times and in so many ways; we are always guided.

I'm certain the purpose of my broken wrist is not just to remind me to listen to inner guidance and to be careful with my words. More will be revealed, I'm sure.

A woman friend from out of state was visiting me and another friend and we all went out for a hike. I felt an inner calling to the Bandersnatch trail while my local friend wanted to take her up the White Rabbit trail because the view is better. After expressing my preference, I gave in to his. There are two boulders at the top, one is an easier climb and is the one my innards were nudging me towards. Again, I surrendered to his insistence and we climbed the other.

I went down first when it was time to go. Avoiding a patch of poison oak, I lost my footing, slid down the rock and landed with a thud at the bottom, all my weight on the right hand. I felt the bone break when I hit ground.

The most immediate lessons...
- Always listen when being guided - - even the small stuff.
- Words are vibration and there is much power in the spoken word. I've been extremely busy for a year now. In the last few months, I have been howling to the universe, "I need a break!"

Be careful what you ask for. Life hears it and the demand has even more power when backed with great emotion.

A better choice of words...
- I am choosing to schedule more downtime for myself.
- I allow myself more time to rest (even "I need a rest" is better than "break").

And rest I am getting. I've never taken so many naps in my life, and of course, my calendar has been greatly adjusted.

When faced with challenging experiences, notice what the mind says about it. Does the mind add negativity to the event? Notice if an old story about 'my life' is playing, watch for patterns, be as alert as possible to the buzzing of the mind in the background. If weight is being added to the situation, see if you can pause, take a deep breath, and then bring curiosity to the experience.

Difficult times are opportunities for expansion. The greater the difficulty, the greater the expansion. We are never the same after life has squeezed us through a hardship. Fasten your seatbelt, tune into your heart, and watch with a keen eye how life has just recalibrated you.

This has been pain like I've never experienced. The bone had to be set and next week I go into a full-arm cast because of the nature of the break. It has demanded that I ask for help, and lots of it! One could collapse around the experience and go into suffering, or one could be grateful for all of the assistance and loving offers. I choose the latter.

It's still too soon for me to see what additional gifts life has in store for me on the other side of this experience. I am curious, I am open to receive, and I allow life to manage the outcome.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
