June 2021

The Soft Underbelly of my Human

Dear Blessed One,

Hyperventilating due to deep sobbing with body shakes and wild yowls may not sound very awake or spiritual, however, it is all spiritual. Spirit in form = spiritual, no matter what it looks like to the limited human perspective.

Life gives us what our soul is yearning for and sometimes it hurts -- a lot!

The experience of two broken bones in my right wrist, being in a long arm cast with my elbow at a 90 degree angle for five weeks, now in a wrist cast for another month, and the fiery itching of poison oak's popping blisters under the cast has deepened my compassion for the pain and suffering of humanity. I know, that was a mouthful.

Sometimes just being with it, allowing what is to just be here without resistance, and surrendering to one's experience is not enough. Occasionally we need to howl like a wounded animal in the wild, and sob deeply from the soft belly of our beings to release the energy of excruciating pain.

Swallowing pain only creates energetic congestion. It will have to be dealt with sooner or later.

Keeping our beings as free-flowing and clear as possible is invaluable to our higher essence connection.

Let go of the mind that says it should be different. If our experience were meant to be different, it would be. Period. Life has said yes, who am I to say no?

Get support, reach out to loved ones who will hold you in the human messiness. If you have no one capable of that, send your name to me and I will add you to my remote Reiki sessions. I care. You are precious. You matter.

Cry, scream, talk about it, breathe, breathe, breathe... It may not look like it yet, but you are actually healing. Something old and deep is wanting release. The crucible has purpose.

I bow to the great spirit that has brought me to my knees (again and again) teaching me greater compassion, deeper love, and how to be gentler and more humble.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you." ~ Hafiz.
