July 2021

Without the Burden of Stress

Dear Blessed One,

Slow down, feel the ground. Yes, I know, life is full and so busy. However, the more present we are, the more productive we can be.

I can't tell you how many times I have looked back on my day in amazement at how much was accomplished, often beyond what the mind would say is possible. Presence is the magic.

Back in the 90's, I had dissociative disorder so bad that at times I would look around (while driving!) and have no idea where I was, occasionally pulling over in a panic to call someone with my surroundings. Typically, it would happen after a therapy session had triggered old trauma. As a young girl, I learned to leave my body to escape abuse. As an adult, it became a trigger mechanism that I had no control over.

To help bring me into the present moment, I began using post-it notes. One on the steering wheel that said, "I AM DRIVING," one on my bathroom mirror, "I am brushing my teeth," etc. I would repeat out loud or in my head my present actions. What this practice did was keep me in the moment and in my body. It created a mental narrator so the mind could not wander, run amuck, or exit.

Conscious awareness of the present moment is the only way I have ever accessed higher consciousness. It is not in the remembered past or the perceived future.

Where is your mind? Is it already out the door, ten steps ahead of you, planning and rehearsing the future or grumbling and regurgitating the past? Both of these activities are big energy drains and feed exhaustion.

Here's how to be here now. Be conscious of where you are and what you are doing, always. Practice presence by stating what you are doing... I am here, I feel my feet on the grass, my hand is on the doorknob, I am placing my keys in my jacket pocket, I am washing these vegetables, and so on.

Eventually, you will discover there is no place easier to be than here and now. It is our natural state. In presence, your higher essence can take the lead and accomplish more without the burden of stress.

Presence... Nothing better or more holy than this. Life wants us to see the miraculous in everything.

Shortly after awakening in 2008, during a spontaneous expanded state, I could see the magnificence of God in everything and this is what I documented in the state of bliss:

Ordinary God

This morning I fell in love with the floor and the dust mop...
A feeling of total reverence
Like a fountain of pink bubbles rising to the surface
God gently gliding over God
While carefully collecting pieces of God
Loving, Loving, Loving
So whole
So complete
Where is God not?

God is not somewhere in the future. God is here, now.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The Astonishing Light Of your own Being." ~ Hafiz.
