December 2021

The Dream We are Dreaming

Dear Blessed One,

Years ago, as self-identification was dissolving and Self was being revealed, I had many expanded states of consciousness experiences. The experiences were like nothing I could have ever imagined, nor accurately describe to anyone! THIS, I thought, is real life, my true home, and it is where I want to be all of the time.

I would have waves of depression after these encounters because I could not recreate what had spontaneously happened. I would check everything -- what I ate, who I talked with or saw that day, what practice I did, what I was thinking just before the launch into infinity, etc. I had to surrender over and over... it was not something I could manipulate or create.

I would feel exasperated at times wondering why Source, God, Life was tantalizing me with glimpses of my true nature and then taking it away -- again!

One of the experiences taught me so much about self-identification that it made me laugh out loud. I know some of you have heard this but I'm going to share it again for those who have not heard it, and as a reminder for those who have.

In 2008, I drove to Mount Shasta to pick up some supplies for one of my events. I was taking in the beauty of the mountains while also feeling a little anxious about all I had to complete before the upcoming class I was teaching. All of a sudden, my awareness expanded. Gradually, like moving through some sort of membrane, I became aware of how BIG I am. I realized that I am all of It and nothing is moving separately from the Whole. If I put words to the immense and loving presence that was witnessing the little me, it would have said something like, "Aw, that is sooo cute, she really believes that she's going somewhere."

It seemed so funny to have all of my attention on this little me driving in this little vehicle, having thoughts about all the important things in my life, moving around in Myself and not really going anywhere at all. I had to pull over and laugh, and cry, and wait for my perspective to come back to the little me who was on a mission.

Over some time, the experience taught me to give space to all that is unfolding before me. Everything is part of the dream we are dreaming. See it all with a curious eye. Step back just a little and wonder about what is presenting before you.

Allow space of being. When we allow space, we have access to our still center. Stillness is our true nature. Stillness does not need to make or meet deadlines. Making and meeting commitments can be done with ease and joy when filtered through the still center of being.

Allow what's moving through you to move through you. Joy, anger, boredom, peace, sadness. We get clogged when we attempt to cling, stuff, or resist what is only needing awareness.

Source has fragmented in order to experience everything. It lovingly holds it all, the mundane, the miserable, and the magnificent. Stepping back and wondering what life is creating in the moment helps to dissolve attachment to the little self. As disidentification happens, we have more and more glimpses of the One who lovingly holds it all.

Breathe. See from the still center of your being. Allow life to have its way with you. When we stop fighting with life, it is able to complete its movement. Suffering ends.

In the space of stillness, movement comes of its own accord; wisdom and knowingness back it.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"God is not playing with you, God is playing as you." ~ Mooji
