January 2022

Infectious At-Easeness

Dear Blessed One,

Pause over and over throughout the day, whatever you are doing, pause and drop into the heart. Look deeply within yourself. Can you begin to feel, see, or sense the divine in what is before you? Life is all about expansion, experience, and growth. Examine what is being presented to you and find the perfection in it. It's there. It does not have to feel good to be holy, divine, and perfect.

Nothing matters more than this moment. Even this that you are reading, is here to remind of divinity and perfection. The mind is identified with a program. It is not yours. Let go and not know. Drop it all. You can pick up what is useful later. In that open expansiveness all knowingness may come. All knowingness is your divine nature. All you need do is keep shedding that which stands in the way of your remembering.

Start over one hundred times a day if need be. It is okay to keep getting sucked into the mind trap. Let yourself be. Don't listen when the mind judges your progress. Smile and say thank you, breathe and release. It has taken a long time to collect the clutter, lifetimes, breathe and release in the moment.

I once heard someone say, "Transform your work into worship." What would it be like if you paused, felt into your heart, and worshipped (loved) not only the seeming beautiful in life, but also the challenges. Let yourself be free of the burden of expectations and responsibilities and just live. That doesn't mean quit your job or leave your loved ones. It means find love in whatever you are doing, and make changes where changes are needed.

Whatever is before you is Life expressing, God unfolding. Sacred.

There is an infectious at-easeness that can happen when we rest in the moment and respond from the heart. It spreads within our beings. It spreads within our circles. Others around us can feel it and catch it on some level. Even if there is no visible evidence that they have been affected, an energetic blessing has touched them. A high vibrational seed has been planted.

When we drop resistance to life's expressing (which often happens through exhaustion), a flow or an effortlessness then meets the situation. We were not designed to live in the mind or to fight with life; we were designed to be present in the body and to flow with life. All of it. The more we resist, the more it persists. The more we flow, the more ease grows.

If you do not want noxious weeds growing in your garden, you wouldn't fertilize them, you would remove them. Fighting with life, complaining, feeding fear by spreading it, etc. are all ways of fertilizing noxious weeds. It gives grow-energy to the very thing you say you don't want.

Breathe, drop into the heart, breathe, drop into the heart, breathe, drop into the heart...

Consciously or unconsciously, we are contributing to the collective consciousness. Keep tilling the soil, pulling the weeds and planting good seeds. Good seeds will grow good things.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"Open the eye of the heart. And you will see in the dark." ~ Matt Licata
