March 2022

Don't be a Siri

Dear Blessed One,

I picked up my cell phone the other day and asked Siri about the forecast. The response was, "Uh oh, looks like bad weather is coming." That struck a chord in me so I asked again, "What is the forecast for today?" Siri replied, "It's pretty good right now but not for long."

What if the programmers saw cloudy, colder, or rainy weather as just a change in weather and programmed Siri to report the forecast without judgment? What makes weather bad? It is just weather, which changes all of the time. We need rain, cold, and cloudy days as much as sun, warmth, and gentle breezes. Of course, we may have preferences but a preference is not an absolute.

See how deep the programming runs.

Many misperceive themselves as separate from the Whole. In that misperception, they may say or do things that seem bad or destructive. They may be running completely on programming, resistance, or judgment of their plights in life.

What if, in the midst of great challenge, rather than calling it bad or wrong and resisting life's expression, we step back from the limited human perspective and get curious about our (and other's) experiences?

Asking questions like...
- I wonder what life is creating for me through this experience that I'm not yet able to see?
- What hidden aspects of myself are coming up for integration in this experience?
- I wonder what would happen if I just wait for my response, rather than react?
- What is life wanting me to know more deeply about me in this experience?
- What if this experience is actually a gift not yet completely unwrapped?

We have been taught to resist what doesn't feel good and seek what does feel good.

What if the fire of challenge is actually what's needed to burn up what is no longer working in our lives?

When we listen to the mind which often screams no to the discomforts in life, hold on desperately to that which is leaving, and fight with what life has already said yes to, we suffer. However, when we can breathe, let go, and sit in the messiness of life, pain may remain but suffering ends.

See if you can just watch the mind that wants to fix or run from what is arising. Hold space for all of it, the mind, the discomfort, and not knowing the final outcome. Don't be a Siri. Look at what the programmed mind is saying about life's expressing and step back for a greater perspective. Let the programming crash as you feel the lightness that curiosity brings.

Like an archeologist, explore and examine with wonder. Until the dig is completely unearthed, don't decide what it is.

Softly and gently, and sometimes with hammering, let life continue to unearth your history for understanding and integration, and to expose your brilliant treasures.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"The death of a dream can in fact serve as the vehicle that endows it with new form, with reinvigorated substance, a fresh flow of ideas, and splendidly revitalized color..." ~ Aberjhani
