May 2022

Reawaken Your Natural State

Dear Blessed One,

Humanity is awakening. The dams of ignorance are breaking. As this happens, it can feel like a dangerous flood is occurring. What is actually washing away are the blocks to our natural state. It's easy to misinterpret this as things going wrong. Notice when the mind is frantically splashing about as a separate entity; take a deep breath and allow consciousness to offer buoyancy. With a quiet mind, our God nature takes the lead.

The God nature, your true identity, transcends thought. The thought-made self is constantly busy, if not physically, mentally it is chattering on about the next thing. The thought-made self is the one who identifies with beliefs, judgments, and perspectives, thinking this is who they are. When identified with the mind, there is no room for connection with your true nature.

Pause the busyness of the mind that is incessantly telling you to do something by focusing awareness on something in the body, on one thing in nature, on your breath...

Step out of doingness and into beingness as often as you can. Eventually it will reawaken your natural state. Being is your connection to the Universe, your God nature.

When we turn down (or off) doing, even if only for a few minutes, we can access the depth of Being. In the being state, life events do not affect us in the same way as they do when we are identified with the mind and all the things of the world. In the softness of being, we are able to realize what is ours to do, when and how to accomplish it, and how to complete it without stress, worry or pressure. There is a relaxation that happens, a complete letting go when we don't have an attachment to a particular outcome. Not giving much importance to thoughts, emotions, ideas and all the things considered as 'me', the true Me can take the lead.

Life knows where it is going. Let go and let it flow.

Take a breath all the way into the belly of your being. Take another and ride the breath all the way into your legs, and then your arms, back, neck, and then the head. Notice where there is tension. Pause and breathe into that area with softness, with loving awareness, only watching and allowing the tension to be there. As it loosens, move on to the next area.

Even the most pressure-filled events can be met with a relaxed and open mind. When connected to your God nature (stillness), all the doingness is achieved effortlessly. The mind works more efficiently when it is in resonance with Being. Without the weight or pressure, stress, or story that the disconnected mind creates, fluidity and flow. are the result.

Be your beautiful, BE-YOUtiful self. There is nothing more precious, sacred, or perfect than you right here, right now. You are already complete. You are already whole. Notice when the mind tells you otherwise, take a breath, release, and come home to Being.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"Going with the flow is responding to cues from the universe. When you go with the flow, you're surfing life force. It's about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what's showing up for you." ~ Danielle LaPorte
