June 2022

Trip Through Eternity

Dear Blessed One,

The purpose of being here is to recognize and remember what we truly are. Once we realize that there is something to realize, realization has already begun.

Let your meditation be, "Who am I?" or "What am I?" or "Who is watching thoughts?" Ask about truth or the meaning of life. You do not need to take one more step to find God. Stop, go within, then wait and watch for the answers or the signs that Life has heard you. That does not necessarily mean sitting and waiting... get on with life movements and responsibilities. Awareness and awakening can happen anywhere at any time.

It takes willingness to not know what is needed in the moment... to pause and take a breath, to release resistance and let it all unravel naturally. Resting in Consciousness, we begin to see each challenge as an opportunity to expand, to know more intimately our God-self.

The intensity of a challenge softens as we let go of how we think things should or should not be. Pure awareness pops the bubble of ego awareness. When we can stop building the structures of should and should not and just rest with what is, resolution, new ideas, and revelations arise effortlessly.

Pause and take in the scent of a flower; thank it for its fragrance and beauty. Open your heart to the magnificence of a bird flying overhead or bees busily drinking nectar and spreading pollen. Smile and send loving vibes to the homeless person. Rather than just dropping money in their hand, take time to stop and have a conversation with them. The unconscious mind knows there is no separation, so as judgment or criticism occurs, you are sending a message about yourself to yourself and that's where the energy ultimately goes. We is One.

Matter is really pure energy. Everything is atoms vibrating at such a rate that things seem solid.

Music, words, thoughts are all vibration. Our vibration as humans is affected by the vibrations in our environments. What are you adding to your vibration? What are you saying? What are you watching on TV or on the computer? What type of music do you listen to and what is the vibrational message coming through the words that are sung? What are you thinking? How much time do you spend in the vibration of nature, gratitude, play, or in stillness?

The vibration of worry, resistance, and fighting with life causes suffering. Surrender does not equal resignation! Surrender is resting with or allowing what is. In the surrendered state, wisdom and guidance can bring you back to flow. The intelligence of Life is coordinating everything and knows how to fulfill itself. Let Life do life and re-Member that you are on a trip through eternity.

See if you can change the way you are looking at things. ALL things are the expression of the one Source, which you are. Drop the idea of separation and look for the connection... Jason Mraz could have easily sung, "Look for the God in everything..." The fastest way to self-realization is to see Divinity in everything and everyone.

Keep it simple. You do not need to burden yourself with a plethora of practices. Choose a couple that feel good and do them because they feel good, not because you are looking for the practice to take you somewhere. Be in the experience fully, no projections.

Eventually you may find yourself resting in Self. The center of your being is Home. All the things of the world cannot decorate that home beyond its already beautiful and pristine perfection.

You are the physical beauty of spiritual perfection. You are God speaking and God listening.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"God cannot be found outside of you, because there is no God who can ever be outside of you. God is the ultimate fragrance of your consciousness." ~ Osho
