July 2022

Groom the Human

Dear Blessed One,

The mind cannot be resolved with the mind. It will not help you to know who you are. The mind is the entity that creates identities. Going beyond the mind and its limited perceptions reveals the true essence of life. Once the limited human perspectives begin to dissolve, freedom is realized as desires melt away.

There is Knowingness beyond the limitations of the human experience and that Knowingness is what observes everything that the body experiences without any desire for things to change. It uses the experience to show the human a new way.

As long as you are giving audience to the mind, it will continue to visit you. Mind feeds mind and will not cooperate with anything that threatens its existence. See if you can give the busy mind space to just be busy, without participating. Use everything that comes to you as a tool to bring you back to stillness. Awareness is all that is needed.

Waking to the true self does not mean there are no longer difficulties, it does mean there is less and less desperation-energy to fix things and more and more ability to see patterns and course-correct the human.

It is possible to watch the activity of the mind without identifying with it, without believing it, and without finishing or listening to the stories it tells. We have been trained to think that the mind-identified self is who we are. Don't be a slave to the mind. Free yourself over and over with every recognition of mind activity.

Stay committed to your natural self while playing the game of form. Every time the mind takes you for a stroll (or a hellride), just notice that you were getting involved with the drama. Remember and come home to your infinite nature, the One that watches and doesn't get caught in the mind-trap. It is possible to access the quiet inside even with chaos on the outside.

Don't just groom the human. Through the many practices and therapies, it is possible to build a better human. If that is as far as one takes it in this life, the world can certainly use better humans. However, that is still living in the mind-defined self - - a better person, nicer, more friendly, helpful, etc. Freedom comes when the shoulds and shouldn'ts fall away. In the open field of awareness, your infinite nature does not mind the mind.

With greater awareness, more consciousness online, the human will naturally tend towards authenticity and love.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force." ~ Lao Tzu
