August 2022

The Wormhole

Dear Blessed One,

What would you do if only you knew? And not a belief, but a visceral knowing, whether it's a feeling of truth deep into the bones of your being or an actual experience that shows you the illusory nature of life. How free would you be to dance unencumbered by the mind's version of what should or should not be?

A couple of years ago, while in a deep meditation and a beyond-the-body expanded state, I got up to use the bathroom. On my way, as I crossed the threshold into the master bedroom, I heard a loud whoosh-like sucking sound and was (as best I can say it) sucked through a wormhole into the Mind of God. It all happened in timelessness, which feels like FOREVER in the now moment.

"I" was gone, and Consciousness was all there was. I could see the bedroom and all its contents wavering like currents of energy, bending and ephemeral, not real at all, much more like what I might imagine a thought-form to look like... just a passing wave of energy. I had a sense of complete emptiness, no-thingness. Everything was pulsing in an infinite sea of potentiality, and nothing was or had ever been created. It was all just a dream of Consciousness, or a thought in the Mind of God.

Still expanded and vibrating as energy only, no felt sense of form, as I passed back over the threshold heading to my zafu, I was blown back through the wormhole to this reality. It seemed like I had been gone for eternity and could not believe only minutes had passed.

Later, I went for a walk later and kept seeing the trees and surrounding houses as waves and vibrating energy in this infinite sea of potentiality, no-thingness.

That experience took a couple of months for me to integrate. Even with all the expanded states of Consciousness that I've had in my life (really since I was a kid), that one was a bit destabilizing. Had I received it years earlier, it might have been too much for me.

Life gives us just the right amount of knowing and experience for our psyche to integrate.

Who would you be and how would you move in the world if you released the storyline of the victim, the villain, or the hero in your life?

Our true nature comes through when we stop listening to thoughts. Thoughts are somebody else's ideas of the shoulds and shouldn'ts of the world. They are old news, history. Flush what you think you know and open your heart to receive knowingness. When seated in our true nature, we move in a way that is in alignment with our higher essence, our Godself.

The more mind-release you allow, the more recognition of your vastness. Mind is a massive energy-leak; come back to stillness and reclaim your massive power.

Great artists, musicians, creators will tell you that their best work came through a relaxed mind - - just a revelation or an ah-ha moment that created the masterpiece before them.

Stop giving so much energy to be what you already effortlessly are.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"Be still like a mountain and flow like a great river." ~ Lao Tzu
