September 2022

Ego Seeking

Dear Blessed One,

In 2006, I moved to Ashland, Oregon from the north shore of Boston. Through bricks over the head kind of synchronicities in 2003, I came to town for a conference. During my lunch break, I was waiting to cross the street and had a head-to-toe vibrational experience while an internal voice whispered, "Welcome home." Tears flowed and I knew I had to move here.

Born and raised on the east coast, now with adult children, a busy practice, and the rest of my family there, it was scary to move across the country because of something so passing as a spiritual experience. However, in that moment, I knew to my bones that inner wisdom was guiding me.

I felt confident that I would recreate my busy practice here - - energy and bodywork, nutritional support, and spiritual guidance. Things didn't go as I expected, though. Everything went topsy-turvy.

I won't go into details here, the story is told in my first book, Suffering ~ A Path of Awakening. Briefly, my cat died, relationship ended, lost house, awakened.

However, even awake, life was still like a rock tumbler. My practice was not growing at a pace to financially support me, other things were still happening that were causing heartache, and I couldn't understand why life would call me here and then drop me on my head (I promise I'll get to the moral of this story).

And then it all began to change; in 2008, a voice woke me one morning and said, "It's time to write." I was startled but I thought it was just a weird dream. And then it happened the next morning, and on the third morning when it happened, I got up and wrote... sixty pages over the course of a few days.

That book found its way to Europe, and I began supporting many through skype sessions. Over the next few years, three more books were written. This is not what I thought I came here to do.

I'm also working with people in many other ways while supporting them in their awakening and healing.

Here is what I learned; let go, not know, and watch life flow.

When the ego (the one who thinks it knows) plans, outcomes are limited. I could have fought with life, forced myself into a job that I didn't want, and delayed the gifts that life was bringing me. That is how we are trained. Push, work harder, and fight to get ahead. I've gone down that road enough times now to know that forcing only adds chaos to discomfort.

During the stripping away of what was not serving me, I kicked occasionally, cried at times, and surrendered to the small still voice that continued to whisper, "Wait."

Sit, listen, let go of knowing anything and wait for divine inspiration, which is more like an offering than a demand or fear-based decision. We all have access to higher wisdom when we step out of the mind trap.

I experienced plenty of ego-seeking behavior to realize that ego only seeks to boost itself. Truly life knows what is best for life. Wait for the miracles that are always being prepared behind the scenes.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"The true miracle is not walking on water or walking in air, but simply walking on this earth." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
