January 2023

When Sh*t Hits the Fan

Dear Blessed One,

It is amazing how many people I know and am working with who say that 2022 was the most challenging year ever. I watch and listen, and then help them reframe their experience as we examine things from a higher perspective.

The victim perspective is so pervasive, and for some it takes great effort to surrender that viewpoint.

There is a space, much deeper than the personal identity, that watches as life unfolds and is desireless. This inner peace, when allowed, permeates all external situations.

I have been exploring with and supported by some amazing doctors this past year to get to the root of a health challenge and bring balance back to my physical body. I cannot put words to the kind of pain that I experienced continuously for almost two months, and then off and on for the rest of the year.

As the most intense part of the health journey settled in late October, in November I was given notice to move from the house I had been renting for eight years.

The victim character would suffer greatly from all the pain and upheaval, saying things like, "Why me?" and "What have I done to deserve this?" etc.

When ego-identity, the mind addiction, dissolves, there is deep peace that holds every unfolding experience without judgment.

Pain is allowed. Sadness is allowed. All emotions that arise are allowed and then they pass, moving through us without creating damage in their wake. Feelings cannot survive long when we fully allow them. Resistance creates suffering. It is like adding another scoop of poop to a full plate.

When the sh*t hits the fan (or lands on the proverbial full plate), roll up your sleeves, put your gloves on, and clean it up. There is nothing inherently wrong with messes and challenges in life. It is the mind that judges and says it should not be so. Life has delivered it which tells me otherwise.

What is the purpose of the health challenge that is not yet completely resolved in my life? I will know when it is time for me to know, that much I know. So far, compassion has expanded in a way that I did not know was possible.

As for the house? Well, life pushed me from my comfy nest into a house twice as big, still in lovely Ashland, and I am now a homeowner.

Keep the eyes and ears of the heart alert. Collapsing into victim feeds mind-addiction and blocks the sunlight to the spirit.

Breathe through all that life is presenting you. Rest in awareness, and remember you are more than a limited human perspective. Let the light of your God-self oversee how life unfolds. It is anyway.

I wonder what magic my higher essence is creating for me that is not yet complete through this challenging experience? Can you feel the lightness of that?

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold." ~ Eckhart Tolle
