May 2023

Innocence of a Child

Dear Blessed One,

Fear, False Evidence Appearing Real. That is the strength of the mind. It blasts into an imagined future, creates an imagined outcome to an imagined action, and then triggers adrenaline in the body, which causes all sorts of distress.

Fear is the byproduct of identification and/or attachment. When we identify with the thought-stream that is vying for our attention, believing it, and thinking it is who we are, we have lost connection with our authentic self. Through intense programming from the conditioned world, there is typically a strong attachment to the belief that the thoughts are reality, and truly who we are.

The mind is a prison, and presence or awareness, is freedom.

Make a conscious choice to step beyond the mind. It isn't real. There must be a willingness to surrender all ideas of how life should be manifesting. Stay in an empty state; not-knowing creates an opening for Knowingness to come through. Be curious. Watch life and thoughts with the innocence a child, playful and open.

Presence, right here and only here, completely allowing life to present whatever it is presenting without projecting or judging, softens the experience and keeps the heart open. In an open-hearted and quiet state, there is now access to wisdom. Your higher essence is the voice of that wisdom, and it comes in as an offering, gentle and soft.

You are not your life situations. You are Life. Step down as the Commander in Chief and realize there is a greater power, beyond the limited human perspective, that sees the whole picture and is in charge of how it unfolds.

Life, no matter what the conditions, is much gentler when we are not fighting with it. Say yes; breathe, surrender all ideas that are steeped in fear, and wait for stillness to guide you. Let go of all notions of control. Notice when attention is directed to thoughts and bring awareness into the body, a feeling, your breath, or something in nature.

Release and surrender the mind a thousand times a day if needed. Every time you notice that you are listening to the mind, throw a wrench into the works by doing something different... sing a song, do 10 seconds of jumping-jacks, chant a mantra, etc. Eventually the mind pattern will begin to dissolve through inattention.

Humble is the way to your Magnificence.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will." ~ James Stephens
