July 2023

Which Thread to Pull

Dear Blessed One,

No matter where we are in our awakening, no matter how enlightened we are, we are always challenged with something, which is a good thing. Life challenges us to stimulate growth, awareness, and expansion. There is always more work and always more awakening.

How is life currently challenging you? Are you able to give it space, allow it to be as painful or messy as it is, without judgment?

I have had many growth and deepening experiences over the years since the initial awakening in 2008 and am working now to dissolve an old pattern. I can see it clearly when it arises, I feel the stickiness of it, and there is a felt knowingness that it is tangled in my lineage (mostly paternal side).

Imagine untangling a big basket of loose yarn and not knowing exactly where the mess begins and which thread to pull first. I am blessed to have amazing and skilled friends helping me with the challenge.

It is important when in the middle of the mess to remember that life is showing us our work, perhaps shining a light on a blind spot, and ultimately gifting us with growth and more consciousness. When we come to the other side, released from the challenge, we are able to move more freely, more open-heartedly, and to share that with those around us.

To get to the core of what is happening, it is key to recognize the workings of the mind. Adding to the difficulty with words like should, wrong, bad, or shaming and blaming can prolong the experience. This also applies to those in witness of human messiness, who may have an idea that judgment or criticism is okay.

When realization of the mind activity occurs, there is a separation between the false sense of self (mind) and an opening to the authentic self, which will bring us back to compassion and love when we allow it. Identification with the pain of the challenge can hold us in the pattern until we are eventually surrendered.

When the pain of not changing becomes greater than the pain of change, we change (perhaps Tony Robbins said this before me).

If there is enough awareness in the moment of the growth opportunity, see if you can take a breath and recognize the pattern. While pausing and before reacting, ask deeply what else may be possible as a response to the situation. This gives space to recognize who you are in truth is awareness itself. When that happens, we can draw on the beauty and greatness that holds everything and is always calling us home.

The changes may happen over time and incrementally, it can also happen like a landslide of consciousness where all that was holding the pattern in place completely falls away with no way of it ever returning.

- How can I find harmony and joy and come back to love?
- How is life asking me to evolve?
- How can I break free from this?

These are powerful questions to ask when the breath is shallow, the mind shouts no, and the earth beneath you is shaking. See if you can wait for the essence of who you are to arise and guide you in that moment of potential expansion.

Love is what we are.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"Love taught me to die with dignity that I might come forth anew in splendor." ~ Aberjhani
