September 2023

Your Unique Purpose

Dear Blessed One,

There comes a moment in our lives when the mundane and superficial no longer satisfy the depths of our souls. It's a moment when we yearn for something more profound, something that transcends the material world. This is the call of spiritual awakening, a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation that has the power to reshape your life in the most beautiful and profound ways.

Spiritual awakening often begins with a feeling of restlessness or dissatisfaction with the status quo. You might be questioning the purpose of your existence and the nature of reality itself. Embrace these questions; they are the seeds of awakening.

The path of awakening is a quest for truth. It's about diving deep into the core of your being and seeking answers beyond the surface. It's okay to explore spiritual teachings, philosophies, and practices that resonate with your soul, while remembering all answers reside within you.

Yes, the most profound discoveries always occur within. Through meditation, self-reflection, and mindfulness, you can start unraveling the layers of conditioning and societal expectations that have masked your true self.

As you progress on your journey, you'll realize the need to let go of attachments, fears, and old patterns that no longer serve you. This process can be challenging, but it's essential for your spiritual growth.

Awakening is not about escaping reality but being fully present in every moment. It's about encountering the profound beauty in the ordinary, whether it's the gentle rustle of leaves, the infectious laughter of a child, the sorrow of heartbreak, or the exhilaration of new love.

Eventually you will experience that separation is an illusion. All of life is interconnected, and you are a part of the cosmic tapestry. This realization fosters compassion, empathy, and a profound sense of unity with all beings.

The ego, with its desires and fears, often obstructs the path to awakening. By transcending the ego, (no longer listening to or believing the constant mental chatter) you allow your true self to shine through -- self that is beyond individual identity.

Love is the essence of the awakened heart. As you awaken spiritually, your capacity for love and compassion expands, encompassing not only those close to you but all of humanity.

Self-realization reveals your unique purpose in this world. It may be in the form of service, creativity, or simply being a source of love and light to others.

Spiritual awakening is an ongoing process. There is no destination; instead, it's a lifelong journey of deepening wisdom, love, and understanding.

Embrace your spiritual awakening with an open heart and curiosity. Your awakening is a gift to yourself and to the world. As you shine your inner light, you inspire others to embark on their own journeys of discovery.

Don't allow the turbulence of the outer world to suck you back into the limited human perspective. No matter what is happening on the outside, remember truth resides within you. Be still and listen for it.

May your spiritual awakening be a source of profound joy, inner peace, and a deeper connection to the vast, timeless, and boundless essence that is your true self.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


like you came to change the World.
You have." ." ~ Affinity Soul
