November 2023

Laughter of the Soul

Dear Blessed One,

In the vast tapestry of existence, there is a silent call from the depths of your being. It beckons you to awaken, to remember your true self beyond the illusions of the world. This journey is both simple and challenging, like the gentlest breeze and the mightiest wave.

At the heart of awakening is the unbinding of your identity. It is the realization that you are not the character in the play of life but the silent witness behind the scenes.

The mind, like a mist, creates the illusion of separation. Awakening is the dawn where you see the interconnectedness of all things, the oneness that underlies every form.

The ego will try its best to resist the shift. You'll know you're on track when you experience the wild ride of emotions - from uncontrollable laughter to sobbing in the cereal aisle because the cornflakes look sad. The louder the emotions, the closer you are to the explosion of consciousness.

In the depths of my personal awakening, the simple question, "How are you?" from a friend, possessed the remarkable ability to stir a flood of emotions within me. In a busy store, tears would bubble up, as if the mere inquiry had unlocked a floodgate of feelings, revealing the profound and delicate layers of my inner journey.

To awaken is to surrender to the unknown. There is no roadmap... it is to release the grip of the egoic mind and trust in the wisdom of the universe. The heart of awakening beats in the stillness of your being. It is the silence where you hear the whispers of the Divine. Your soul's blueprint holds the guidance, ensuring that, whether recognized or not, you are exactly where you need to be on your journey.

Returning to your true self is not about adding more to your life but stripping away the layers that conceal your true nature. It is the simplicity of being, not becoming.

As you walk this path, you will begin to discover the beauty that lies in every step, even the painful ones. There is peace beyond measure that is untouched by the world's chaos. It is a tranquility that surpasses understanding. It is not of the mind.

Traversing this path has other benefits beyond the self; the closer you are to merging with the witness, the more others around you will receive it by osmosis. Everything is energy. Your vibration effects the vibration of everything around you. Family, friends, and co-workers unexpectedly may begin touching into love and compassion.

As joy is unveiled from the depths of your being, you'll see that it is not dependent on external circumstances. It is the laughter of the soul. Each moment becomes a sacred dance of presence. The paradox of awakening is that in surrender, you find the greatest freedom.

This path is not a journey in distance but in depth.
Simple steps to follow...

- Begin by asking the profound question, "Who am I?" Let this inquiry lead you beyond the mind's constructs. Your meditation can be this simple.
- Release the need to control, and trust in the unfolding of life. Let go of attachments to outcomes. Life knows what you need.
- Cultivate presence in every moment. "I am here;" let this be your mantra.

May your journey of awakening be graced with the simplicity of being. As you embark on this eternal voyage, remember that you are already the truth you seek. It is not a distant shore; it is the essence of your own being.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"The ego is only an illusion, but a very influential one. Letting the ego-illusion become your identity can prevent you from knowing your true self." ~ Wayne Dyer
