December 2023

Journey of Life

Dear Blessed One,

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves navigating through the complexities of the external world seeking answers, purpose, and happiness. However, there exists a profound wisdom within us, your higher self that holds the key to a life filled with clarity, peace, and boundless love.

Let's explore the path of awakening to the wisdom within, releasing conditioned mind, purging fear, and embracing trust in life's unfolding.

Prior to the spiritual community I used to sit in (Waking Down), I was guided by other teachers and gurus to transcend the body. Awakening actually begins by turning our attention inward (down, not up). Within the depths of your being lies an innate wisdom -- a higher self that transcends the limitations of the conditioned mind. Spirit is here, in form, not in some imagined outer experience. This higher self is ever-present, offering guidance, love, and peace. To awaken to this wisdom, quiet the noise of external distractions by turning your focus within through meditation, self-inquiry, mindfulness, and quiet time in nature.

As we are all well aware, the mind is a powerful tool, but it can also become a prison through societal conditioning, past experiences, confusion, and fear. Life teaches us through repetition and challenges to recognize the patterns and beliefs that hold us hostage, and that prevent us from living authentically. By pausing and observing thoughts without judgment, and questioning conditioned reactions, you can begin to break free from the prison of the programmed mind.

An outgrowth of the conditioned mind is fear -- a shadow that can darken the path to self-realization. It is beneficial to face fears head-on, shining the light of awareness upon them. When confronting fears with courage and compassion, they lose their power. Taking a breath and embracing fear as an opportunity for growth, rather than letting fear run amok, allows us to move forward more rapidly on our journey to greater freedom.

The more freedom we experience, the more able we are to see that life has an innate intelligence, a divine orchestration that unfolds with purpose and precision. When we let go of our need to control every aspect of our lives and surrender to the flow of existence, peace blossoms in the fertilizer of fear.

As we journey towards awakening to the wisdom within, remember that this path is not about acquiring something new but shedding the layers that obscure our true essence. You are already whole, already complete, and the wisdom of your higher self is always accessible.

Mooji says, "Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render to the world." By awakening to the wisdom within, releasing the conditioned mind, purging fear, and trusting life, we not only transform our own lives but also contribute to a more harmonious and loving world.

Keep the focus on yourself. This work is personal, and not about changing other people or the world. As we evolve and expand, others will get it by osmosis. Breathe deeply in the midst of change and remember you are awakening, you are healing, and you are rebirthing yourself.

'Tis not for the faint of heart. You've got this. 😉

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"Unshackle your spirit; let the conditioned mind dissolve, revealing the brilliance of your true nature." ~ Eckhart Tolle
