January 2024

The Light Being Disappeared

Dear Blessed One,

Today, let us embark on a journey of profound self-discovery, liberation from the mind-made self, and the path towards ultimate enlightenment. In this exploration, we will employ the breath as our faithful companion and guide.

First, recognize that the self you believe to be you is a fabrication of the mind. It is a construct woven from societal conditioning, past experiences, and the relentless chatter of thoughts that occupy your consciousness. This mind-made self is not your true essence; it is a mere illusion.

To release this illusory self, turn your attention inward and embrace the simplicity of the breath. The breath is a miraculous bridge between the body and the spirit, a constant reminder of the present moment (which is all we have). When you focus on your breath, you draw your awareness away from the incessant stream of thoughts that create the illusion of self. Breath becomes a doorway to the infinite.

Many years ago, I dedicated myself to a period of deep introspection, centered around the singular question, "Who am I?"

One night after my question, and then sitting in stillness while following the breath, I drifted off to a lucid sleep. In this state, a radiant Light Being materialized before me. Its presence filled me with an overwhelming sense of joy and anticipation. It magically produced a big bag, reached inside, and pulled out one of my memories. I said, "Hey, that's mine!" It nodded and reached in and showed me more and more of my memories.

Suddenly something came over me and I said, "Oh! You mean I'm just a big bag of memories?!" POOF! The Light Being disappeared and I woke up. I took that as a YES.

Sit in stillness. Close your eyes and feel the gentle rise and fall of your breath. Inhale, and with each breath, allow your consciousness to expand, reaching deeper within. Exhale, and let go of the burdensome stories your mind weaves. With each breath, layer by layer you release the mind-made self.

As you continue to breathe consciously, you may notice that thoughts try to pull you back into their web. Don't resist them; instead, observe them as they arise, like clouds passing through the vast sky of your awareness. Observing does not mean following... just watch. By doing so, you detach yourself from their grip. Remember, you are not your thoughts; you are the one watching them.

In this practice of mindful breathing, you begin to experience a profound sense of liberation. Over time, the mind-made self dissolves like mist in the morning sun. You become aware of a presence that exists beyond thought, a timeless and boundless consciousness that is your true nature.

As you disengage from the illusory self, you can approach the threshold of ultimate enlightenment. Diving deeper into the realms of your being, you will encounter moments of pure awareness - - moments when the mind falls silent, and you touch the infinite. In these moments, you realize that you are not separate from the cosmos; you are an integral part of the cosmic dance.

The breath, in its simplicity, can lead you to the profound.

Enlightenment is not a destination; it is a continuous unfolding. It is the recognition that the self you thought you were is but a ripple in the ocean of existence.

Embrace this path of self-discovery and liberation with patience and love. Trust the breath as your guide, and let it carry you towards the ever-elusive yet ever-present truth of your being. In this journey, you will find that enlightenment is not a goal to be achieved but a state of being to be lived.

Breathe and release the mind-made self. In the stillness of your breath, you can discover the boundless ocean of consciousness where enlightenment resides. This is the art of living, the art of being, and the art of ultimate liberation.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am." ~ Sylvia Plath
