April 2024

Digging Our Heels In

Dear Blessed One,

In the gentle and not so gentle embrace of life's currents, we eventually find surrender which leads us back to our true essence. Drop into the heart of presence and explore the timeless wisdom of surrendering to the flow of existence.

In every moment, life unfolds like a sacred dance, inviting us to surrender our burdens and fears. Surrender is not an act of defeat; it is a celebration of trust in the infinite wisdom of the universe. As we release our grip on control (even if it has claw marks as we finally let go), we open ourselves to the divine orchestration of life's symphony, which is just on the other side of the curtain of resistance.

At the heart of surrender lies the willingness to embrace the unknown with open arms. Stay present in the moment, cultivate mindfulness. Rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, focus on what you can do right now to align yourself with the flow of life. Relinquish the need for certainty and instead, surrender to the mystery. In the vast expanse of the unknown, we can discover the infinite possibilities that await us. Those possibilities come through the portal of the unknown.

In surrender, we find courage to let go of our attachments and desires. When we open our hearts and say yes to life, the fight is over. True freedom arises when we release our grip on the transient. Through the art of letting go, we dissolve into the boundless ocean of being. We are human BEings, after all. Take a breath and allow life to be as it is. Whatever the circumstance, whatever the situation, life has said yes to it, or it would not be here. When we allow things to be as they are, the pressure of resistance is gone, and shifts happen. Digging our heels in and demanding that life be different than it is in the moment is about as productive as yelling at a horse and telling it to be a giraffe.

I recall the first instance when I surrendered entirely to something I vehemently resisted. It was when my partner chose to end our relationship, and this blow struck me just two days after the loss of my beloved cat. I had sensed his gradual withdrawal and was desperately clinging to any hope of salvaging what we had.

For months, I wrestled with resistance, anger, sorrow, and bewilderment. Then, as the inevitable separation loomed closer, exhaustion consumed me entirely. I was too tired to resist, collapsed to the floor, and completely let go. I felt everything all the way into my bones. And then something happened. At times, the bottom of the emotion would seem to drop out and I would either land in a pool of peace or bliss. I thought, "Wow, you mean pain can be blissful or peaceful too?" Not resisting anything, everything began to change.

The monumental losses of my partner, my cat, and countless other things converged like a volcanic eruption within me. Yet, as the tumult subsided, I found myself grounded in a newfound sense of self - - a place of utter wholeness and contentment, a place I had never fully inhabited before - - a place I could only describe as Home.

In that moment, every fragment of my existence felt sacred, each experience a precious gift guiding me to this inner sanctum. As I cried, now from a love that was alive in me, I wanted to thank them both for the gift they gave me. This heart that I thought was shattered and taking on one more battle-scar was washed clean and filled with amazing gratitude for Life and all its dips and curves. Love like no other.

As we surrender to the flow of life, we discover the effortless grace that permeates every aspect of existence. Abide in the natural rhythm of life, allowing each breath to guide you deeper into the heart of presence. In the flow, we find liberation from the confines of the mind and bask in the radiance of our true nature. Come home a thousand times a day until you remember your natural state of effortless being.

Remember to embrace each moment as a sacred gift; trust in the divine intelligence that guides us all. In the gentle currents of surrender, you may find the peace and joy that resides at the core of your being.

Much Love and Blessings to You!
shellee rae


"We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." ~ T. S. Eliot
