Products and simple health hacks to come!
This product is amazing! I sure wish I had known about it in '92 when I was first diagnosed with herpes. I take one scoop in the morning and one scoop in
the evening and I rarely have outbreaks anymore. The tiny pellets are so easy to swallow with water.

Paul Stamets' Lion's Mane
Menopause brain fog be gone! I love the results I am getting from using this product. I put a couple ounces of boiling water in my mug and then just 2
droppers of lion's mane, wait 5 minutes and alcohol has evaporated. Down the hatch. So simple.

And if you want to add something to your lion's mane cocktail that will boost your hair vitality, put a couple droppers of this powerful herb in your mug.
Nettles strengthens the adrenals and is said to restore youthful flexibility to blood vessels. A cup of nettle infusion contains 500 milligrams of calcium plus
bone-building magnesium, potassium, silicon, boron, and zinc. It is also an excellent source of vitamins A, D, E, and K. For s healthy heart, thick hair, beautiful skin,
and lots of energy, add this to your daily regime.

Terrasoul Superfoods Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
This is the best coconut I have ever had, and I've had MANY. It is smooth, and clean, and there is no darker separation in the bottom or clear lumps in it anywhere. I eat it,
oil pull with it, cook with it, put it in my hair for an occasional oil treatment, it's a great moisturizer for my skin (with an SPF of 4-5), and cats love it, too! :)

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a licensed healthcare professional. The information provided here is for general informational
purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or
another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Reliance on any information provided
by me is solely at your own risk.
"Receiving Reiki on a weekly basis from Shellee has helped me perform better at my job and has helped prevent my job from interfering with my personal
life. All of my clients have been severely traumatized. Research has shown the adverse effects of working with traumatized clients on the therapist/caregiver.
Many days I leave work feeling stressed, overwhelmed or have what I call a heavy heart. Reiki helps me stay balanced and grounded. After a session I feel relaxed,
less overwhelmed and the heavy heart is gone. Reiki enables me to be a better therapist by relieving the symptoms of my work. I feel every caregiver or human service
worker should receive Reiki as a way of maintaining mental and physical health."
~ Chris M., M.S., LMHC, Dept. of Veterans Affairs
"I am 92 years old and have been receiving Reiki from Shellee for 13 years. It helps me mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Also,
I believe Reiki assisted in the healing of my prostate cancer."
~ H. James B., Retired Engineer
"Bursitis in my right shoulder persisted for several months and caused significant pain. After treatment by 4 doctors which included cortisone
injection, 3 anti-inflammatories and heat treatments, the pain persisted prompting me to seek relief through Reiki. My initial treatment produced only moderate
results and left me feeling skeptical. By my third treatment, however, the pain was gone. I was so impressed that I not only continue with treatments, but have also
gone on to become a Reiki II practitioner."
~ David F., M.Ed. Counseling Psychology
"…the workshop was thoughtfully planned, beautifully led, and provided for significant shifts to take place. I am truly blessed and grateful to have had the
experience and I look forward to other opportunities to work with you [Shellee] in the future."
~ Carolyn H., New Jersey
"Shellee's workshop was insightful, heartfelt, fun, and transformational. She really knows how to make everyone feel safe and comfortable, which makes it easy
for all to share and release energy. She walks the talk. With personal examples from her own life, she truly makes it apparent that she has gone through every door that
she is now helping everyone else go through. The atmosphere of the workshop is such that everyone shares and participates in the exercises to further enhance their deepening
heart connection."
~ Britt M., Oregon
"The Breaking Through workshop helped me gain a clear understanding of what was holding me back and how to move beyond it. Shellee created a safe and loving
atmosphere for us to explore our deepest selves and transform the most difficult parts of awakening into something beautiful."
~ Audrey R., Oregon
Words from some of Shellee's clients and students...
"...a truly enjoyable experience..."
"...spiritual and profound..."
"...well taught...took an esoteric experience and conveyed it fully and simply..."
"...gentle and loving..."
"...calm and relaxed..."